My main research focus as an academic scholar is on strategic decision-making under uncertainty in entrepreneurial and innovation-related settings. I am interested in studying how entrepreneurs make decisions and how cognitive biases such as overconfidence impact decision-making processes and the way uncertainty is perceived.
In my dissertation, I investigate how the application of a "theory-based" or "scientific" approach to decision-making impacts entrepreneurs' decision processes and the subsequent business outcomes. To do so, I leverage on data from different randomized field experiments, conducted both in developed and developing countries.
Published papers:
As a rule, in all papers, authors are listed in alphabetical order
Agarwal, R., Bacco, F., Camuffo, A., Coali, A., Gambardella, A., Msangi, H., Sonka, S., Temu, A., Waized, B. and Wormald, A. (2024) Does a theory of value add value? Evidence from a randomized control trial with Tanzanian entrepreneurs. Organization Science
Link tbdCoali, A., Gambardella, A. and Novelli, E. (2024). Scientific decision-making, project selection and longer term outcomes. Research Policy
Link (open access):Coali, A., Novelli, E., Sirigiri, A., and Spina, C. (2024). A scientific approach to decision-making: key tools and design principles. Journal of Business Venturing Design
Link (open access):
Submitted papers:
Bacco, F. and Coali, A. Title omitted for peer-review
Rej&R @Strategic Management JournalBacco, F., Coali, A. and Wormald, A. Title omitted for peer-review.
1st round R&R @Strategic Management Journal
Advanced manuscripts:
Altomonte, C., Coali, A. and Conte, M. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and uncertainty: the heterogeneous impacts of exogenous shocks
In preparation for submissionCoali, A. and Spina, C. Updating strategy and beliefs: experimental evidence on the scientific approach to decision-making
In preparation for submission to Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Work in progress:
Tentative titles
Motivations, ambitions and entrepreneurial performance: evidence from five RCTs
Decision-making in innovative ventures: a multiple case-study
The complementarity between artificial intelligence and theories: a RCT with managers
During my master and research activity at the European Investment Bank, I had the opportunity to do research on topics related to firm productivity and digitalization, which I consider as my secondary stream of research. Particularly, I am keen to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence and digital technologies on firm-level outcomes and processes, especially when it comes to strategic outcomes and decision-making.
I conducted research under the EU-backed project MICROPROD (Horizon 2020) and I am currently cooperating with the economics department at the European Investment Bank.
Working papers and other publications:
Altomonte C., Coali, A. and Ottaviano, G.. (2020). EU recovery plans should fund the COVID-19 battles to come; not be used to nurse old wounds. Bruegel Blog Post. Available here.
Altomonte, C. and Coali, A. (2019). Employment, productivity and import shock: evidence from the European manufacturing industry. MICROPROD Working Paper. Available here.
Brutscher, P.B., Coali, A., Delanote J. & Harasztosi P. (2020). EIB Group survey on investment and investment finance – A Technical Note on Data Quality. EIB Working Paper 2020/09. (available here)
European Investment Bank – Investment report 2018 (Chapter 8 on Digitalization and Innovation) (November 2018)
European Investment Bank - Investment report 2023 (Contributor to Chapter 5)
Assolombarda-Confindustria. “Le performance delle imprese Europee: un’analisi benchmark” (The performances of European firms: a benchmark analysis) (October 2017)